
WebGL and Unity

The Bridge To The New World

WebGL and Unity
The Bridge To The New World


Injozi was tasked with creating a fully responsive and immersive website experience full of mystique to intrigue any potential clients and new users that are on the website and use this experience to push them towards requesting a demo. We incorporated aspects of WebGL to create beautifully crafted animations and 3D Designs.


The challenge identified was that Nanodyn required a new, industry first website that would be an immersive, educational, and capturing experience that will inform the market and the potential users who Nanodyn is, their purpose, vision and how Nanodyn will change your business for the better.


INJOZI felt their vision and goal would be best articulated and achieved by us approaching this project in an agile and phased manner. We split the project into two phases. Phase 1; This consisted of creating the mystique website with a strong enough message to attract and interest the users to use the engage feature and experience the Nanodyn experience with 3D aspects from implementing WebGL.
Phase 2; This phase was for us to craft, refine, innovate the most basic scroll, and slide of the website. We want Nanodyn to move diagonally, forward, and backward, creating an awareness of infinity, of the never end pursuit.
